WorldVia Travel Quest Network's Travel Entrepreneur Blog

Harness the Power of Connection: The Unstoppable Force of Our Travel Network

Written by Jason Block | May 1, 2024 1:00:00 PM

A one-in-a-million encounter or not surprising at all?

Explore the power of community and connection in our travel network. Discover how building relationships enhances both professional success and personal experiences, and learn how every encounter can lead to new opportunities. Strengthen your connections and grow your business in the travel industry. 

In the world of travel, where destinations are vast and experiences vary widely, the true value often lies not just in the places we visit, but in the connections we forge along the way. As members of our esteemed travel network, you already understand the importance of relationships in building successful enterprises. However, the potential of our network is something that extends even further, impacting not only our professional lives but enriching our personal experiences as well.


Improve Your Odds

I’m writing to you today from Antigua where my wife and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary at the beautiful Sandals Grande Antigua, and you’ll never believe who I ran into, or maybe you will. As we took in a reggae band and some delicious coconut ice cream last night, we unexpectedly ran into Rachel Sicolo and her husband, fellow members of our network. Considering there are over 10,000 hotels across the Caribbean, the odds of such a meeting on that particular night seem astronomically slim (about one in a million from my quick math). Yet, given the scale of our network and your collective commitment to travel and continuous learning, I’m not surprised in the least. These serendipitous encounters become a regular part of our shared reality.


This isn't just about pleasant surprises during vacations. It's about leveraging these connections for tangible, lasting benefits. Just the other day, I received an email from another member, Rebecca Landry, who is preparing a proposal for a student group of 70 considering a stay at Hard Rock Punta Cana. Having heard that I recently visited the resort, she reached out for insights on a few specific concerns raised by the group leaders, adding just one more data point of authenticity to her already impressive experience set. I hope you land it Rebecca!


This isn’t about me though. The point is that every day you are running into each other all across the globe or reaching out to each other to help one another. Sharing an experience. Giving a tip. Working to build each of your businesses, but doing it together, in community.


Our network thrives on such interactions—every day, members connect, share experiences, and collaborate with each other. These aren't just cursory exchanges; they are the building blocks of a supportive community that enhances our professional endeavors and personal journeys alike. It goes far beyond Facebook. It is one-to-one relationships. That is what our network is about.


WORLD is a Must-Attend Event

There is no better place to cultivate and strengthen these relationships than at our annual WORLD conference. This event is not merely a gathering; it is a cornerstone for professional development and a vibrant marketplace of ideas and opportunities. It’s a space where relationships are not just started but also nurtured and grown, with benefits lasting well beyond the conference itself. In short, WORLD is our network. It’s the place it all comes alive.


By attending WORLD, you have the unique opportunity to meet a diverse group of professionals who are as eager as you are to exchange knowledge, strategies, and stories. These connections will provide you with a wealth of resources that can help you tackle challenges and seize opportunities in ways you might not have considered on your own.


Relationships Are Best Built In Person

Our network is strengthened by each member's growth. Through events like WORLD, as well as our specialized in-person Discovery and Immersion trainings, we offer you the tools to not only advance your own knowledge but also to share that knowledge within the network. Every training session you attend, every new tactic you learn, and every piece of advice you give contributes to the collective power of our network.


Experience the Power of Our Network

Whether you are looking to expand your professional network, gain insights into the latest travel trends, or simply find inspiration for your next big proposal, our conferences and training events are designed to fulfill these needs. The power of our network is a testament to what we can achieve together—far more than any of us could accomplish alone.


Together, we are more than just travel advisors. We are a network. We are a community. Let's make every connection count.


Best success,
